Own The Road

Own the Road is a company-wide recognition and appreciation program celebrating the journey our team members are on with Carvana by recognizing their tenure achievements and company milestones. As the program lead, I created a unique gifting experience website for team members as they reach major tenure achievements. In addition to the gifts, team members are awarded a Carvana vending machine tower to showcase their tenure.

I lead this project from conception. Managing multiple teams across the company, securing brand partnerships, providing art direction and design, and building a launch and communications plan. Despite being set back in 2020 and transitioning to remote work, I was able to lead the team through a successful program launch ​​to over 10,000 employees. The program continues to thrive as team members share their Own the Road gifts and gratitude on social platforms.

Program Manager, Art Direction & Design: Kristin Dunmyre

Photography: Andrew Langdal

Design Support: Dallas Clark

Illustration: Anthony Yankovic


Chamberlain Coffee: Oatmilk Latte Truck Activation

